Pro Chip USA

Randleman Lake, NC (Ver-3)

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Randleman Lake, NC - One of a Kind!

Version 3.0

Total Waypoints: 447

Randleman Lake is so new that it doesn't show up on enhanced maps such as Navionics, or Lowrance "Insight". We were able to develop a Pro Chip for this lake which contains the following structure:

  • 39 Road Beds
  • 5 Humps
  • 17 Fish Attractors (NC Wildlife)
  • 17 Submerged Timber Zones
  • 3 Dominant Points
  • 3 Submerged Bridges
  • 116 Wood Debris (Logs, Laydowns, Brush)
  • 17 Timber Zones


* Several anglers have reported they are very impressed with this Pro Chip.